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  1. B

    No gas at all...What?!

    I recently fermented a gallon of banana wine from SG 1.090 to .099 in 12 days. It was a violent ferment with a bubbler on the pail (wife loves watching them). Racked to carboy and treated with campden tab. and 1/2 tsp. potassium sorb. (16 Dec.). I was degassing other wines to bottle today and...
  2. B

    lowest ABV to age wine

    As expected this wine started fermenting again after 2 weeks. The airlock has been bubbling right along at a rate of one per minute for a month now. I took a SG of 1.016 today. The temperature in the room has been fluctuating between 60-70 degrees. I have not added any Kmeta. Do I need to wait...
  3. B

    lowest ABV to age wine

    Will fermentation still occur under airlock or does the yeast need O2
  4. B

    lowest ABV to age wine

    thanks for the help. City water is heavy chlorinated. Only recently found this forum. Definitely a wealth of knowledge here.
  5. B

    lowest ABV to age wine

    Thank you. This wine making is raising my anxiety. I hope the drinking part mellows me back out.
  6. B

    lowest ABV to age wine

    I recently racked a peach kit wine from primary to secondary with an SG of 1.010 after 4 weeks. Starting SG was 1.071. the kit recipe called for no added sugar and would finish at just around 9.2 ABV. I assumed that fermentation was still going due to air lock bubbling and the SG. After...