Mold on exterior of barrel.

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Senior Member
Feb 28, 2013
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I've had a batch of Pinot noir sitting in a neutral barrel for about three months.
I went down and checked it yesterday look fine drop a couple oak cubes in. Smelle fine, looked fine.

This morning I noticed that there was mold forming on the barrel. It was forming where the wine has seeped through the staves through time.

What do I do now?
Is the wine a total loss or can I rack to a carboy and hope to salvage it?

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I think rack it ASAP you have nothing to lose... If it later becomes bad toss it.
I racked and tasted. Tasted fine. I am holding off an hour or so on topping up (allowing bubbles to settle) to see if any mold is floating.
Added 1/2 tsp meta

How will I know if it is infected with mold?
I imagine it is highly unlikely that you have a mold problem in your wine, due to the alcohol and acid. But I'd fill that barrel with a KMETA solution, and soak it in a tub/bucket also filled with a strong KMETA solution, or StarSan.
I imagine it is highly unlikely that you have a mold problem in your wine, due to the alcohol and acid. But I'd fill that barrel with a KMETA solution, and soak it in a tub/bucket also filled with a strong KMETA solution, or StarSan.

Thanks for info.
Today while cleaning up around the barrel I discovered more mold and come to find out my dehumidifier was no longer functioning.

So drastic steps need to be taken!

I don't know that I have the means to soak the barrel in sanitizer. Could I get a way with spraying it down with meta from a spritz can?
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Elmer that was my first thought when I saw your barrels. I've seen it many times. Get the dehumidifier back on or at least put a fan in the room. Wash the exterior of the barrel with a cleaner and sanitize it and I believe your good to go. I highly doubt you have a wine issue. Make sure your barrel is topped up and your S02 levels are where they should be.
I ended up filling the barrel with k-meta. I filled a bucket and submerged the barrel in a super strong k-meta solution.
I will take the barrel out tommorow and let the exterior dry but keep inside filled with k-meta solution . Hoping this solves the issues.
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K-meta should work. I have had this problem in the past and k-meta worked perfectly. I get a nice stiff brush and give the outside a good scrub with the stuff and that seems to do the trick!
I soaked it in a kmeta solution for a day.
It is now siting in my garage, filled will high level of k-meta solution.
I will move t back down the Basement when I get my dehumidifier up and running or replaced.

As a side note all my wine and beer bottles started to get mold on them as well.
Sounds like you have a serious moisture problem in your basement. How in the heck does mold grow on an inert substance (glass)! :?
I happens all the time when the bottles have not been washed after corking (some wine gets on the outside of the bottle).

When I cork, I have a bucket filled with clean water and give each bottle a quick plunge to avoid any mold growth later.
I soaked it in a kmeta solution for a day.
It is now siting in my garage, filled will high level of k-meta solution.
I will move t back down the Basement when I get my dehumidifier up and running or replaced.

As a side note all my wine and beer bottles started to get mold on them as well.

Mold growth is a good sign of high humidity that you want in a cellar. As long as the inside contents are protected by kmeta, don't panic about the outside. Check out the pictures in old european wine cellars. Here are some at this link

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