Cellar Craft Passport Three Country Cab?

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No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
Mar 18, 2012
Reaction score
DC Suburbs
This was supposed to be released in March. Tick Tock...

Has anyone heard anything? I won't start mine until May, but I'm curious.
Jim its been available in Canada for 2 weeks already, so i'm surprised you havent recieved it yet.
This was supposed to be released in March. Tick Tock...

Has anyone heard anything? I won't start mine until May, but I'm curious.

Hey look, I just received a unexpected package, hmm, a Three Country Cab, WOW!!! Who's this Jim fellow it was supposed to be sent to? There is a .....
Received notice last night that they'll start shipping today.
It's here!!

Now to wait another 4-6 weeks until I have some Chilean Cab skins to add to it.
EC-1118 in the box. I'll be replacing that. 30g of med and heavy oak chips for primary (of unknown origin). Another 30g of Med American Cubes.
I started my Three Country Cab on March 4th. Racked twice and in final stage of clearing with the oak cubes, before I rack from fining and then bulk age. Tastes bad (good thing).

Came with two yeasts (EC1888 and RC212), two sets of fining agents, 2L grape pack, oak chips for primary fermentation and oak cubes for after.

I followed the process except the grape pack went in loose and I pushed cap under daily. Withheld adding the sorbate.

I contacted Vineco and they recommended using both types of yeast. I pitched them and started them separately (see pic) so not to have one dominate so soon. SG 1.100 down to 0.993.

Notice the head space (none!) when the cap rises. Just a loose lid during primary fermentation. That's what I always do. I'm of the opinion to provide as much oxygen during primary fermentation as needed. Once racked into secondary then air lock it.

Should be a good.

2016-03-04 14.11.56.jpg

2016-03-07 19.01.40.jpg

2016-03-04 13.48.58.jpg
Came with two yeasts (EC1888 and RC212), two sets of fining agents, 2L grape pack, oak chips for primary fermentation and oak cubes for after.

I'll have to re-check the contents. I just reached in the bag and pulled out the yeast pack that I could see. Maybe there's another in there.