New Sanitizing System for Bottles & Carboys

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Good question VPM. K-Meta is rather corrosive.

I normally use one of these. The only metal part is a spring.

The good new here is that they only cost about $15.00 and it fits right on top of my bottle rack.

The bad news is that I wear one out every 5 years or so and it only works on wine bottles.

Good question VPM. K-Meta is rather corrosive.

I normally use one of these. The only metal part is a spring.

The good new here is that they only cost about $15.00 and it fits right on top of my bottle rack.

The bad news is that I wear one out every 5 years or so and it only works on wine bottles.


I really like this bottle washer! For the amount of bottles i do at a time right now it work great for me. I can wash them pretty quickly!