Keeping color from fading/changing

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Senior Member
Aug 12, 2004
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I was wondering, does anyone have a good (easy) solution from keeping the color from fading in a fermenting wine? Or should I take this to be a natural occurrence?

The thing is this: I started a hibiscus wine about 2 months ago, fermentation went very slowly, and it's still bubbling about once every 5-6 minutes (and that's overstating it. I think it's even less). SG is down to 0.992. Ambient temp in the basement is 62* F and it's got a brew-belt wrapped around it for the whole fermentation. It started out to be a very red color, like a merlot would be, and was fantastic. I noticed today while racking the beet wine, that it has gotten a little "brown-looking" and I am not sure what to do about it. No direct sunlight hits it, it is not covered with anything else, and it is in an old coal-celler. It has had its airlock on it since it's been in the carboy (1.5 months).

Any clues/sugesstions?


It sounds like it may have oxidised a little.Some thangs you can do to keep more color are: limit fermentation temp. to 68*F, start with more product, keep SO2 levels up (yes, even during fermentation), rack as little as possible, do not filter too tight.
I have not racked since a month. It's been quietly fermenting in the basement. SO2 levels are not checked because it's too hard for this brain of mine. I don't get titration, never did.
Hey, that's fine. You asked the questions,I answered them.

Anyone else want a stab at it?
I might rack today. More or less out of boredom, but it probably could use a racking. There's about 1/3 inch sediment at the bottom.

We'll see.
Yep, it could probably use a racking. Let us know how it tastes please.

I bottled today.

It's excellent!!!!!!