Vinmetrica SC-300

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Dec 28, 2009
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Any reason why I should not be able to get a PH calibration? Been trying for the past 2 hours to calibrate this SOB. It blinks at 7.18 for the 4.01 reagent. let it go it continues down to about 4.80 then starts heading back up.

Looking in the FAQ it states if values are drifting to allow to set in the 4.01 solution for 30 minutes... I'll try that this evening....
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Tried soaking the probe in 4.01 solution as was recommended. No luck, same issue. Batteries have been changed, posted note to Vinmetrica via their site...
Please keep us posted, that meter is on my short list of required equipment. I am sure Vinmetrica will do right by you, at least I would hope so! I don't think they want any negative exposure.
It could be you got a bad probe with the instrument. See if they will send a new one to you after trying their solutions to a fix.
I found a couple more items to try on their website. I'll be trying those tomorrow night. One would think that it should not be this difficult given that it was only used a few times when I initially purchased it. I will keep all posted.
Try calling them. They are very good at customer service.

I need to call them today. I tried all the various steps last night listed in their Troubleshooting section to no avail. The probe will recognize the 7.0 reagent within 30-45 seconds. The 4.0 reagent went to below 3.5 and was still searching for a stable value. I'm thinking the prob may be bad.

I did receive an email from my inquiry on their site yesterday morning but wanted to try the other options prior to calling.

I have no doubt this is a great product and I realize it is possible to get a bum part if that is the case...
I had similar problem with mine. Called Vinmetrica and they suggested a few things to do. They were very helpful. Finally we hit on resetting the unit by taking batteries out. I told them I had already done this but went ahead a did it again.
This time I kept the unit on when I took the batteries out, waited a minute and put the batteries back in and Voila!! it has worked fine since.
I had similar problem with mine. Called Vinmetrica and they suggested a few things to do. They were very helpful. Finally we hit on resetting the unit by taking batteries out. I told them I had already done this but went ahead a did it again.
This time I kept the unit on when I took the batteries out, waited a minute and put the batteries back in and Voila!! it has worked fine since.

Yep, I even went as far as putting new batteries in even though the old ones were a few months old. Didnt' think about taking them out when the unit was on.

I'm calling around 11:00 EST since they are open 8-5 their time. I'll post an update once I speak to them and see if they have any suggestions.

I followed everything here so far..

Reconditioning and cleaning of pH electrodes

Even in normal use and storage, performance of pH electrodes may show deterioration over time, which typically shows up as noisy, erratic or sluggish electrode readings, and/or difficulty calibrating. Assuming the meter itself is working (see “Meter test” below), then there are two main causes for this:
1. Clogging of the reference junction (most likely).
2. Fouling of the glass membrane (happens occasionally, or after prolonged service).
The following procedures will often provide renewed stability and pH sensitivity. If the electrode cannot be restored by one of these methods, it needs to be replaced.
Unblocking the reference junction:
The reference elctrode junction is usually the problem when the electrode can’t calibrate in its expected ranges. This junction is a fine-pored frit that allows electrical contact of a reference electrode with the solution being tested. It can become clogged over time.
1. Soak electrode in hot (NOT boiling!) water, about 60 °C, for 5 – 10 mins. Allow to cool to room temperature then place in pH 4 reference solution for 5 minutes. Try to recalibrate. If this does not work, try remedy 2
3. Soak in 0.1M HCl (note: this can be made by diluting 1 mL of the SO2 Acid Solution with 20 mL DI water) or HNO3 for 1 hour. Rinse with DI water, then place in pH 4 reference solution for 5 minutes. Try to recalibrate. If this does not work, try remedy 4.
4. Soak in 1:10 dilution of bleach in a 0.1 – 0.05 % solution of liquid detergent in hot water with vigorous stirring for 15 mins. Rinse with DI water, then place in pH 4 reference solution for 5 minutes. Try to recalibrate.

Meter test
You want to be sure that the the instrument is responding correctly. A quick test is to simply short out the electrode connector:
1. Disconnect the electrode and put the instrument in pH mode.
2. Short out the electrode connector on the back of the instrument using something metallic, like a paper clip or pin, to connect the center hole of the connector to its outer sheath.
3. With the input shorted out, the reading should be pH 7.00 +/- 0.5. If out of this range, the meter is probably bad. Contact us.
4. Bear in mind that this test is not 100% fool-proof (the instrument might still have trouble reading pH values different from 7.00), but generally if this test passes, it is much more likely to be an electrode problem.
So what did you do to get it to work so others can learn if they have the same problem.
Warmed the storage solution let it soak for 30 minutes, also let the probe soak in the storage solution unsealed then soaked in 4.0 solution prior to calibrating..
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Having the same issue again as back in July. PH probe will not calibrate. Went through all the steps, still no good. I spoke with Rich, he said to send the unit back and they would check it out. It's still under warranty until March 2014. Will be sent back tomorrow for them to troubleshoot. He did state that they were having problems with some probes but would investigate. So far, good service...
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I am thinking about buying this one. Now I am really concerned, whether this is a good product or not. 350 bucks is a lot of cash for a defective device. Keep us updated..... Cheers
I am thinking about buying this one. Now I am really concerned, whether this is a good product or not. 350 bucks is a lot of cash for a defective device. Keep us updated..... Cheers

Their customer service is great and there are many satisfied customers. I would not let a few bad probes stop me.
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I am thinking of buying one of these too. As far as I can find you need to buy at list price direct from Vinmetrica. Is that correct?

I hope for your troubles they ship you some free solution to replace all that you have been using.
Im not concerned about the probe even if it does turn out to be bad. Their customer service and the product reviews are outstanding. Im still convinced it is a great product and im looking forward to seing thee reviews from their mlf probe.
I'm very satisfied with mine and to hear they have great customer service is a plus.

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