bad week

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Sep 21, 2010
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It all started on Monday when i got my flue shot. Nurse said my arm would probably be a little sore. She lied big time. I could hardly use it for 5 days it hurt so bad. Friday we went to Des Moine to do our monthly shoping. Living in a small town we have to drive over 70 miles to do any good shoping. Came out of walmart to find my spare, my jack and my 4 way lug wrench missing. Yes it had been stolen. Had 4 good tires on the ground so was not too woried. 1 houre from home felt the jeep pulling to the right then that dreded sound of a flat tire. Wasn't there 2 minutes till along came a sherifs car and stoped to help. He called a road service co. for me then left. Well $154.38 later we were on our way. Not bad given the size of the tires the jeep grand cherokee takes plus road service. The tire that went flat had a 3" cut in the side wall so not salvageable. The bright side of all of it was got home grand kids unloaded the jeep while I decided to pore myself a glass of wine. Had some 2 1/2 year old concord that was just ok the year before. It had realy changed in a year to a very good wine so I had another glass and began to feel much better. Not the end of the story. We had switched banks and our retirement checks to go to the new bank. Had left the old acount open just in case. Well the new bank sent the checks back due to a discrepancy in the name on them. ( no coment on this because of the language I would use). spen about 1 houre getting things streightoned out but all the checks will be re issued in 7-10 business days. So far today has been problem free but I have only been up for 3 hours.
it might be a good time to turn around and go back to bed before somethings happen
Fingers are crossed for a better day for you and I know thw feeling! Somedays you just want to crawl back into bed with a bottle that has a much higher abv the wine! :(
Sit down say a prayer and do something good for someone with out reason and every thing will be fine.
Did you check to see if that tire the service guy sold you was the same one he stole out of your vehicle before slashing a good one? Maybe his brother is the sheriff who follows you just waiting for the money making opportunity to develop. He then calls the his brother who comes in to seal the deal and to make sure the "opportunity" doesn't go to a competitor. Hmmmm..... Looks like it's gunna be a good Christmas at their house.


Disclaimer: Just a bit of humor, I appreciate all that service employees do for us on a daily basis..... private and public.
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If you ever have a bad day, try missing one. It doesn't seem so bad then.

Glad no one was hurt, aside from your arm.
P.S. I washed my hands before posting this note so as not to give you any germs, if any.

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