First All Grape Wines

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Ended up pressing last night. Overall, went pretty well however there are definitely a few things I'd do differently in terms of overall set up. But, live and learn.

There is at least an inch of sediment at the bottom of the Cab carboy and much less on the Zin. This I know is a direct result of some fumbling on my end. I'll rack off the gross lees today and pitch MLB.

Consider giving it another day or two before racking off of the gross lees, you don't want to have to do it again just after pitching MLB.
Ended up pressing last night. Overall, went pretty well however there are definitely a few things I'd do differently in terms of overall set up. But, live and learn.

There is at least an inch of sediment at the bottom of the Cab carboy and much less on the Zin. This I know is a direct result of some fumbling on my end. I'll rack off the gross lees today and pitch MLB.

My first press was 4 lugs of a single varietal and took 3.5 hours. In 2015, Dad and I did 9 lugs of 3 varietals in 2.5 hours. Live and learn, indeed. The biggest timesaver I've found is the PVC column strainer with a ga-jillion holes in it. Rack out through that with the AI1 while finalizing the set up of everything else, then press.

Agree with John on waiting - 24-48 hours will get a lot of those lees off - and that's a good thing. Take the remains and set them in the fridge for 24 hours or so and you'll have a little more top-up wine for later.
Consider giving it another day or two before racking off of the gross lees, you don't want to have to do it again just after pitching MLB.

I took a whif of the Zin and there is a hint of H2S, which was surprising since the fermentation was quite clean with no off odors at all. I'm thinking from some of the sludge at the bottom of the carboy. Wanted to rack off the gross sooner rather than later to avoid any potential bigger problems.
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I ended up racking the Zin off the gross lees, off odor seemingly eliminated. Will pitch mlb tomorrow after racking the Cab. Clean up is finally over also. The major lifting is over, I'm hooked on all grapes. An added bonus is the wife o.k.'d the purchase of a crusher/destemmer. Plan to have in hand for spring Chilean grapes.
Racked both the Zin and Cab, added mlb to both and medium toast American oak to the Zin and medium plus American oak to the Cab. Will stir every few days and check for mlf progress in a few weeks
Ran chromatography test over the weekend, still showing signs of malic acid on both the Zin and Cab/Merlot blend. However, definite progress. Hopefully another few weeks and mlf will be wrapped up.