Harford Vineyard Chilean Grape/Juice Pickup

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No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
Mar 18, 2012
Reaction score
DC Suburbs
Looks like most of the Chilean grapes and all juice buckets will be in and available for pickup beginning Friday at 8am. I'm either going to get there when they open, or around noon. Anyone else headed up that day. Would love to meet and swap a few bottles if you're interested.
Okay, thought I wasn't going to get the day off due to a new project coming in, but got the day off.

I plan on being there in the morning, hopefully by 10 am if all goes well.
OK, keep me posted.

If I want to get up there in the morning, I have to leave at the crack of dawn (which would put me there around 8:00 or 8:30, otherwise I'm sitting on DC Beltway traffic). But I can always stop for breakfast somewhere north of B'more, or meet my sister (who lives in Towson) for coffee. That'd get me there 9-10.
OK, keep me posted.

If I want to get up there in the morning, I have to leave at the crack of dawn (which would put me there around 8:00 or 8:30, otherwise I'm sitting on DC Beltway traffic). But I can always stop for breakfast somewhere north of B'more, or meet my sister (who lives in Towson) for coffee. That'd get me there 9-10.

I may be able to get there by 9:15 am if my traffic heading down 83 isn't terrible. 10 am is a safer bet in general. Don't fret if we can't meet up this time. I plan on doing Spring and Fall juice every year that I can. I'll P.M. you my cell phone and you can text it if you get there early and I can let you know of my progress so you don't hang around waiting.
Sounds like I will miss you guys. I'll go Saturday.

I usually go Saturday morning with my Wife and we make it into a "date" day (our anniversary is May 17th, close enough) and go for a long leisurely lunch before getting back to the madness that is four kids. She has to work this weekend, so she has Friday off but has to study for her algebra final. I'd much rather pickup juice buckets and take a pretty drive than study for that!

Maybe in the fall.
My Chileans are due to be destemmed, crushed, and frozen in buckets shortly. The buckets will stay in the freezer until all of the fresh grape and juice folks get their stuff, and all grape shipments have been processed, I'm still a few weeks away from receipt............
John, do those get sent to your doorstep then or do you have to go pick them up? Just curious because I think Boatboy Jim has to make two trips since some of his whole grapes weren't in the first shipment. I lucked out and my Pinot Noir grapes did come in so I can just make one trip like I did last Spring. Something to be said for them delivered to you directly if that is the case.

I really did like the grapes I got last year from Harford. Good price and nice quality as far as I can tell.
John, do those get sent to your doorstep then or do you have to go pick them up? Just curious because I think Boatboy Jim has to make two trips since some of his whole grapes weren't in the first shipment. I lucked out and my Pinot Noir grapes did come in so I can just make one trip like I did last Spring. Something to be said for them delivered to you directly if that is the case.

I really did like the grapes I got last year from Harford. Good price and nice quality as far as I can tell.

I lucked out - another reason I love Harford Vineyard. They ordered extra grapes of most varietals, so they are letting me swap. :D

At nearly two hours each way, and with work and kids in sports, I can't make two trips each harvest.
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I lucked out - another reason I love Harford Vineyard. They ordered grapes of most varietals, so they are letting me swap. :D

At nearly two hours each way, and with work and kids in sports, I can't make two trips each harvest.

That means they'll have extras...gotta leave the cards at home and bring cash or I'll buy more!
They usually do have some tempting extras. That's how I got my Seyval Blanc.

I am skipping Spring this year and doing the Fall harvest. :)

Yep. You know I'll be picking up some of their Traminette!!

I'm tempted to do another bucket of Viognier. But I'm really strapped for carboy space.
Yep. You know I'll be picking up some of their Traminette!!

I'm tempted to do another bucket of Viognier. But I'm really strapped for carboy space.

And they had a few extra buckets for sure. Was impressed with Jim's will power! I only had room for three buckets in the back seat and was told a forth bucket was not an option before leaving this morning.

If you are reading this post and still want to pick up from Harford, call them or go to the website. You can still order some of the grapes as their second shipment hasn't even reached port yet (I think he said the Port of NJ).
And they had a few extra buckets for sure. Was impressed with Jim's will power!

I was saved by the fact that there were no extra Viognier buckets. Had there been, I'd have come home with one of those AND a new carboy. And you loaded me up with so much wine that it was easy. :h

I did grab two bottles of the Traminette. It was too easy to convince you and Jeff to grab some as well. :)
Went down and took some measurements early this morning.

Camenere: 3.70 pH, 1.088 SG

Merlot: 3.45, 1.086

Syrah: 3.68, 1.086

Cab Sauv: 3.44, 1.084

Cab and Merlot were fermenting already.

Pitched BM4X4 on the Cab and D254 on the Merlot. Will get the other two this afternoon.
Now that I got some new test solution for the TA, here's what I got:

Pinot Noir: pH 3.69, TA 3.5g/L, SG 1.085
Pinot Grigio #1: pH 3.55, TA 4.2 g/L, SG 1.083
Pinot Grigio #2: pH 3.55, TA 4.3 g/L, SG 1.083

Plan on adjusting acids on all (1/2 way only, then retest in a day or so), and pitching RC 212 on the Pinot Noir, and QA23 on one of the Pinot Grigio buckets and D47 on the other.

Added the normal Booster Blanc, FT Blanc Soft to the whites and Lallazyme EX to the grapes and Opti-red and FT Rouge to the Red.

Will rehydrate yeasts in Go Ferm and eventually add two doses of Fermaid O to everything as it progresses through fermentation.
I was there Friday. Fast and courteous, though they probably should have chosen a different week to repave their drive. I was tempted to ask if I could purchase another grape varietal last minute, but this was a practice run (my 1st grapes). I'll definitely be back in the fall, doubling my order.

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