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  1. C

    Good news for Anchor Brewing

    I guarantee you the management team is organized and speaking with one voice to maximize their position. Why would anybody think it’s better to deny that same thing to the workers.
  2. C

    Peach Jalapeño Wine

    One method is to make the fruit wine then add peppers when fermentation is almost done to let the heat infuse into the wine. You have more control of the heat level to that way.
  3. C

    Hello from Kansas

    Welcome from a fellow woodworker turned winemaker.
  4. C

    First batch ever - Ok to leave this?

    You racked pretty early and it looks like you still have some fruit pulp in there (gross lees). I would rack again and add k-meta. After that any lees are just dead yeast cells (fine lees). I age my wines on the fine lees and don’t rack again until bottling.
  5. C

    raisin wine

    I don’t think they died, just stopped dividing when they ran out of food. If you were to add more sugar they would have likely reinvigorated. When I leave a starter overnight it’s usually still by morning as you described. They take right off when added to the must.
  6. C

    Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

    Silly man… everyone knows you put on top the car and tie it down with twine. Maybe add a couple dollar store bungee cords for freeway speeds 🤣
  7. C

    Back to it...

    Welcome to WMT.
  8. C

    What R you doing today?

    Plastering the living room ceiling. My shoulder is barking at me now!
  9. C

    Recent press, not bubbling.

    Ten days? I’ve had fermentations finish in four… my guess is it’s done already.
  10. C

    New (old) home with vineyard owner

    The first year you typically let the vine grow however it wants. Ignore the form since you just want it to put down good roots. Next spring you can prune to the best vine and start forming a trunk. You need to remove the tube in time to let the vine harden off before winter. So maybe a month...
  11. C

    Just found this a few seconds ago

    Welcome. First, if you want a sweet wine the typical process is to allow the wine to ferment dry then stabilize and back sweeten to your taste. You can search the site for “back sweetening”. You can pick a yeast with a high alcohol tolerance and get in the 16% ABV range… perhaps a little...
  12. C

    Weed suppression around new grape vines

    What do the commercial vineyards by you have? In the Midwest I see mulch or turf grass. I’m keeping a relatively weed free strip under my wires by hoeing… they are new vines. Long term, I’m thinking of going to mulch
  13. C

    New (old) home with vineyard owner

    I get 36” of rain a year so no help on the irrigation! How many vines do/will you have?
  14. C

    Post a photo, any photo

    What!!! You’re not MAKING the cabinets yourself????? 🤣
  15. C

    Hello from Extremadura...

    Welcome. That is a beautiful view indeed!
  16. C

    raisin wine

    Yes ☝. With my one experiment the blend was better than either one. Like you said, each yeast brought something and together they were better.
  17. C

    raisin wine

    Personally I’m early enough in my winemaking hobby that I haven’t tried many side-by-side comparisons. The one time I tried it there was a definite difference in the two carboys. Both good… but notably different.
  18. C

    Vinyard leasing costs

    Do you have a university extension program in Virginia? If they have a grape or fruits program contact them. If not try the agriculture program.
  19. C

    Post a Meme, any Meme! (no politics)

    Same here. ETA: I’ve never heard of whacko conspiracy theorists wearing aluminum foil hats… coincidence?
  20. C

    raisin wine

    What kind of yeast are you using? Some old recipes still call for bread yeast. I would definitely use a wine yeast such as Lalvin EC1118. There are better ones that bring certain tastes to the wine but EC1118 is a workhorse.